- PROBABILIstic Session Types (PROBABILIST). PI: Marco Carbone, funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark, 2025-2029.
- Algebraic Effects and Guarded Recursion. PI: Rasmus Møgelberg, funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark, 2022-2025.
Some past projects
- MECHANIsation of Session Types (MECHANIST). PI: Marco Carbone,
Co-PI: Jesper Bengtson, funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark, 2021-2024.
- Practical Static Analysis for Information-Flow Control of JavaScript. PI: Willard Rafnsson,
funded by Danish Hub for Cybersecurity (Cyber Hub, now Digital Lead). Duration: 1. July 2022 - 30. June 2023.
- Type Theories for Reactive Programming. PI: Rasmus Møgelberg, funded by Villum Fonden, 2016-2022.
- ProSec - Mapping Emergency and Security Processes in the Danish
Energy and Public Transport Sectors and their Dependency on ICT,
joint project between ITU, Metropol, DSB and BaneDanmark, supported
by Forsvarsakademiet
- MetaCLF
coPI: Carsten Schürmann and PI: Iliano Cervesato, CMU Qatar, funded
by the Qatar National Research Foundation (QNRF).
- Behavioural Types for Reliable Large-Scale Software
Systems (BETTY) EU Cost Action IC
- Twelf
- Trustworthy Democratic Technology
(DemTech). PI: Carsten Schürmann, funded by
The Danish Council for Strategic Research. Duration: 1. July,
2011- 30. June 2017.
- Guarded recursive types in the foundations of programming languages.
PI: Rasmus Møgelberg, funded by the Danish agency for research and
innovation. Duration: 2015-2018.
- CHOReography Driven programming and Security (CHORDS). PI: Marco
Carbone. Steno research grant funded by the
Danish agency for research and innovation. Duration: 2011-2013
- Modeller og detaljerede kalkuler for effekter i programmeringssprog.
PI: Rasmus Møgelberg. Steno research grant funded by the Danish
agency for research and innovation. Duration: 2007-2010.
- Bigraphical Programming Languages (BPL)
- TrustCare.
Funded by the Danish Strategic Research Agency. Duration: 2008-2012
- The LifeFlow Project (DSL for Programming Interactive Processes)